You are more than who you were.
Meet your Colleagues.
Positive interactions has always been claimed to a booster dose in the life. Get PharmD vibes with same mindset beyond expectations. If you are here at PharmDia, I assure you that “You are more than who you were”. Just start over, it is never late.

Become frank with your colleagues and interact with them. Share your knowledge and get knowledge from others. Some of the PharmD groups are mentioned here who are working for/with PharmDians.
We have collected a list for your ease.
Pharm.D Telegram Groups
There are several Doctor of Pharmacy telegram groups where you can get group discussions and expand you knowledge about studies and also about what’s going around you. To join into these groups one should have telegram app installed in their device.
This group was generated in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 situation to help PharmD students for Clinical Case Studies/Pharmacy Case studies to practice theoretically. Regular case discussions alongwith guidelines, mnemonics and quizzes are posted on regular basis with answers and approaches. Several professors, PharmD doctors and students have choose to be a part of this group. Members are allowed to have a group discussions over any doubt about the cases or the treatment regimen. The group is also extended over Instagram and Facebook.
This PharmD students group is handled by PharmD application owners. Here a PharmD student is allowed to discuss his/her doubt and get help from others. The group mainly allows to have group discussions over any PharmD topics. Student will get several PharmD updates here.
PharmD Instagram Groups/Pages
There are several Instagram groups for PharmD handled by PharmDians. We have sortlisted some of the instagram groups who are providing quality content for PharmDians. To join into these groups or pages one should have instagram installed in his/her device.
This Doctor of Pharmacy page is dedicated to MBBS, PharmD and all other medical students. Includes Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Mnemonics, Pathology, Medicine that are helpful to PharmD students.
This instagram page provides all the necessary information related to PharmD.
This is the instagram page for telegram group for PharmD Case Studies, Quizzes and Guidelines. This group is the extension of PharmD Digital Practice Telegram group.
Motive of this page is to guide Pharm.D Students and promote Pharmacy Practice across the country. Several students are the members and followers of this startup/organisation.
A meme page related to PharmD. Get yourself refreshen up while relating yourself with your PharmD career.
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